

重新发现 is a therapeutic based group home with a focus on independent living skill building for males between ages 16-21. 重新发现 believes that all youth should have access to learning and developing independent living skills, regardless of their discharge plan once out of adolescent care. 我们努力做到包容, 拥抱多样性, foster a sense of community and support long-term connections to prepare youth for increased independence and a successful transition into adulthood.

Focus: Community-based group home services and life skills education for young men aging out of the foster care system.
(781) 506-6148

照顾者有 tools necessary to be supportive and offer empowering tactics to increase chances of youth success 每周7天,每天24小时都在现场吗. 重新发现提供了一个稳定的, 安全, 为年轻人提供支持性的家庭环境, 同时也提供 opportunities for growth to further their potential and exposure to real life experiences. 重新发现 believes in allowing youth to make mistakes and have the opportunity to repair and rebuild relationships. Our advanced Clinical and Staff team supports individual goals created with and by the youth with the hope that youth will 从寄养系统出来时就具备了技能, 永久连接, 并且有能力十大最好的网堵平台他们的社区. All of our activities use the ARC framework and are aimed at supporting self-sufficiency and building competency for the youth.


Graduating from high school can be a life-changing experience, just as it can be difficult for some youth who are undergoing transitions in their lives and who have had gaps in their education due to placement changes while being the foster care system. Youth are always included in the conversation around school and determine what makes sense for their future. 重新发现 supports youth in achieving success in all levels of school from traditional High school, 对HiSet, 还有高中毕业后的机会.  


重新发现 provides education around basic and advanced money and credit management. 这包括支持年轻人开设银行账户, 年轻时完成年度纳税申报表, and exploring the world of credit so that youth are able to make the best money decisions for their future.


Using therapeutic interventions developed by our use of the ARC framework we believe in providing opportunities for youth to develop job readiness skills, 获取所有重要文件,包括州身份证, supporting youth in driving from acquiring a learner’s permit, 室内驾驶课, 并取得驾驶执照.

重新发现 helped me and still does by taking me and keeping me off the streets and giving me the chance to get my life on track."

重新发现 identifies discharge plans as soon as youth intake and goals are developed in support of those future discharge plans. 重新发现 supports a continuum of care to ensure a successful discharge tailored to each youth by collaborating with the Independent Living Program in JRI, and completing adult service applications such as DMH and DDS and managing the process. All youth are encouraged to access several outpatient clinics for individual therapy with the hope that they can maintain that relationship post discharge. Our Alumni program allows each alumnus to access our non- housing services, 因为他们离开重新发现后需要它们. This connection to our alumni allows us to ensure that our clients achieve continued success after their departure.


For assistance determining which programs or services will meet your individualized need, 请填写下面的表格. Our Service Navigator will reach out to you about your inquiry via phone, text, or email. 如果你对某个项目有疑问, please contact the 项目负责人 listed in the “Let’s Connect” box above. 

请注意,此表格不符合HIPAA.  我们敦促您不要包括受保护的健康信息.





Rachel has been a part of the JRI team since January, 2000. 20多年来, Rachel has been working in the field of human services assisting families with accessing and navigating services. Rachel received her Bachelors degree in psychology and Masters Degree in Public Administration from Bridgewater State University. She was promoted in July 2005 to 家庭网络 项目负责人 where she closely worked with the Department of Children Families for 10 years ensuring that children and families received the highest quality of individualized services ranging from community based through residential care. Rachel is very dedicated to helping the individuals she works with and is committed to improving the lives of children and families. Rachel’s passion for creative service programming inspires her in her role as JRI十大最好的网赌平台导航器.