
Volunteer Opportunities

JRI offers a variety of one-time and ongoing opportunities for volunteers to work in their community. 我们的志愿者可能会给无家可归者收容所的孩子们读书, 导师的青少年, provide clerical help, repair and paint our facilities, 解释, facilitate workshops or assist elders.

我们邀请并鼓励志愿者利用我们广泛的员工培训. We are all here to learn and grow!

diverse hands raised in the air
This service is for
Volunteers often find that their greatest satisfaction comes from contributing to the well being of others. 他们的时间,精力和技能的礼物填补了一个独特的角色,只有他们可以提供.
志愿者是JRI团队的重要组成部分. 我们有一个地方可以满足你的日程安排和地理偏好.
所有JRI义工都参加入职培训和在职培训. Other 培训 such as CPR/First Aid and de-escalation training are available to assist volunteers in their work
Brycelynn Williamson
160 Gould Street, Suite 301
Needham, MA 02494
(508) 821-7777 ext. 3132

第一步 for Potential Volunteers

  1. 浏览下面的志愿者职位描述列表.
  2. 联系该项目查询当前可用的职位.
  3. 如果您已安排参观该计划,您可以下载并填写以下表格:

在JRI, volunteers are an integral part of the team and we work hard to ensure that your time is spent in a way that best utilizes your talent and meets your expectations. We have many available volunteer opportunities. JRI在广泛的地理位置上为不同的客户群体提供十大最好的网赌平台. 你是否有兴趣做儿童志愿者, 青少年, adults or in an office setting, JRI is able to fit your needs.

志愿者和实习生是我们团队的重要成员! 去年,400多名志愿者和实习生贡献了28个,为JRI的许多计画十大最好的网赌平台了5,000小时. 以下是我们的志愿者提供帮助的一些方式:

  • Plan birthday parties for homeless children
  • Read to children or frail elders
  • Assist with activities, homework
  • Provide childcare while parents attend classes
  • 更新我们的Facebook页面并协助其他社交媒体项目
  • Assist with activities at Hillside
  • File, copy, collate, and other office assistance
  • Human Resource projects
  • 玩!
  • Help a young parent study for his/her GED
  • Assist staff during outings and field trips
  • 导师的青少年
  • Repair and paint our facilities
  • Help with research on Grants
  • 领导车间
Volunteer Opportunities

With 90 programs throughout Massachusetts, Rhode Island and 康涅狄格, JRI在以下县提供义工机会. 

如果你的公司, 俱乐部, 或者有宗教团体愿意奉献一天的十大最好的网赌平台, please contact Brycelynn Williamson, 人力资源专员 bwilliamson@cctgay.com.

Barnstable County








Boy reading by water
这一切都是关于孩子们、书籍和阅读的乐趣. 我认为没有比这更适合我的志愿者机会了.
Volunteer 焦点/Family Resource Center
Volunteer Spotlights

Diane sitting at computer

Diane Ennis, Quality Improvement Volunteer

Diane Ennis自2010年以来一直是我们机构的志愿者. 她在完成许多重大倡议方面发挥了重要作用, 从我看, to Policy and Procedure manuals, Performance and Quality Management, and Risk Prevention and Management. Each of these initiatives involved great attention to detail, patience, organization and dedication. 除了, 戴安带来了分享她的许多礼物和社区十大最好的网堵平台的附加价值的好处, including her Bell Choir who performed in our conference room during the City of Taunton holiday celebrations.

今年,一项新的倡议正在进行中,这是一项艰巨的任务. 黛安十大最好的网堵平台了数千份记录的重组工作. 戴安和一组志愿者负责将它们重新组织起来, 标签, 索引, re-boxed and ready for appropriate storage. 戴安在这个项目中的领导能力使她创建了一个系统, train others in the system, 并确保本制度的正确实施, which will allow these very important records to be retrievable throughout their legally required storage.

当这个巨大的任务对黛安娜来说进展不够快的时候, she added days to her volunteering; from one day, 到两天, to sometimes three days per week, 这样她就能确保取得进展. She trained three additional volunteers, ensuring the standardization of this very important process. 20年的唱片,整齐地整理在盒子里,等待着最后的润色.

Diane’s volunteering not only accomplished tasks—it created a community of volunteers who work as a team to accomplish tasks. 进一步, it created incredible piece of mind to know such a significant accomplishment was being done with quality and care. Thank you Diane for all your hard work!!


Jim standing near some artwork

Jim Keiper, Total Achievement Program Volunteer

The TAP team has had the pleasure of working alongside Jim since 2007 at the TAP program in Norton. 吉姆奉献自己的时间,真正体现了志愿精神, 能源, and expertise every afternoon he spends with us. He has impacted the program positively by bringing to light improvements we could implement. The children know that “Mr. 吉姆。” would readily help them with their homework or play a game with them during free time. 他是孩子们喜欢和他一起踢足球的工作人员! He always has a kind word to say even to the most troubled children in our group and asks each of them for a smile and a high five every day. This small gesture to extend his hand and ask for a high five and a smile is probably the first positive thing being asked of the children each day and it has proven to be a great way for them to feel good and connect with another person in a simple, non-threatening way.

It is clear how much he enjoys the children and how important they are to him; and his willingness to go above and beyond to learn is apparent. He attends team meetings, 培训, 他会问问题,在工作上花很多心思. 一些志愿者可能只是来完成他们的工作时间,然后离开, 但你可以看到吉姆把这当成了他生活的一部分. Our team would not be complete without “Mr. 吉姆。”.



丹尼自2012年以来一直在我们的青少年养育项目做志愿者. He is attending college and working, yet makes time to volunteer with the children at our program. 丹尼守时可靠,孩子们很喜欢他的陪伴. Our children range in age from newborn to three. Danny is equally comfortable holding a newborn, 和大一点的孩子一起玩橡皮泥或在地板上排列汽车. It is not often that a young male is willing to give his time to care for children and this is so very commendable. 我们的许多孩子在他们的生活中根本没有正面的男性榜样. Our staff members are all female; therefore there is little opportunity to expose the babies and children to male nurturing in any form. Danny has provided this for us. 我们的十几岁的母亲很乐意把孩子交给丹尼, 这本身就证明了他在我们项目中赢得的信任. 丹尼会成为一名出色的老师或社会工作者. 他是年轻绅士进入这些领域的榜样, as well as for other interns and volunteers. 他温柔善良,我们很幸运也很感激他能加入TLP.


Nancy holding children's toy

Nancy Chisholm, Teen Parenting Program Volunteer

Nancy has been volunteering at our teen parenting program since 2012 and has become a core member of our team. She is vital to helping us run our educational and therapeutic groups for the teen moms whom we service.

为了让我们的妈妈每周参加三次小组活动, we rely heavily on our volunteers who come out to our program multiple times a week to help babysit and play with the babies and young children. 南希每天都会抽出时间来帮助我们. She is a constant dependable person who our babies and young mothers have come to count on. Seeing a familiar face helps to ease our mothers as they leave their children to attend group sessions. Nancy always comes in with a smile on her face and is immediately ready to pick up a baby who needs comforting to or to play a game with an older child. Nancy has been there alongside staff watching our babies grow, develop and meet their milestones. 她帮助婴儿们学会坐起来, 爬, 走, 并在探索周围世界的同时发展自己独特的个性. 南希温柔而有耐心,她冷静的举止有助于让周围的人放松下来. Last year we had a baby with serious digestive issues which caused him to spit up a good portion of his bottle after each and every feeding. Nancy came in with a spare towel in one hand and large amounts of love and empathy for him in the other. During November 2013, our teen moms had the opportunity to go to an off-site 6-week parenting group run by Project Connect in Attleboro. The hours were later and were also a bit longer than our normal timeslot; Nancy came with us off-site to help out, never once complaining or missing a night. 她的奉献精神令人钦佩,对我们来说是无价之宝. We hope to have Nancy with us for many more years and so much want to let her know how much she means to our program.


Request More Information

协助确定哪些计划或十大最好的网赌平台将满足您的个性化需求, please fill out the form below. 如果你对某个项目有疑问, 请联系上面“让我们联系”框中列出的项目主任.

请注意,此表格不符合HIPAA.  我们敦促您不要包括受保护的健康信息.

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JRI Service Navigator

Do you have a question about JRI services?

自2000年1月以来,Rachel一直是JRI团队的成员. 20多年来, Rachel has been working in the field of human services assisting families with accessing and navigating services. Rachel received her Bachelors degree in psychology and Masters Degree in Public Administration from Bridgewater State University. She was promoted in July 2005 to 家庭网络 Program Director where she closely worked with the Department of Children Families for 10 years ensuring that children and families received the highest quality of individualized services ranging from community based through residential care. Rachel is very dedicated to helping the individuals she works with and is committed to improving the lives of children and families. Rachel’s passion for creative service programming inspires her in her role as JRI Service Navigator.