
Susan Wayne Center of Excellence

JRI 康涅狄格 is committed to opening doors to opportunity for youth and 家庭 who face the complex challenges associated with trauma, 精神疾病, 认知障碍. Within an environment that preserves dignity, 尊重多样性, 要求问责, 追求卓越, 我们与年轻人合作, 家庭, 国家机构, and the community to build capacity for resilience, 独立, 和毅力.

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These services might be right for you if
You or your child is struggling with symptoms of complex trauma and/or 精神疾病.
You or your child is struggling in your current academic setting.
Your child/youth is in need of community-based behavioral health services.
You or your child needs additional academic and emotional support.

康涅狄格 Community-Based 十大最好的网赌平台

康涅狄格 Community-Based 十大最好的网赌平台 offers therapeutic outpatient services and interventions that are tailored to meet the needs and goals of each individual. 康涅狄格 Community-Based 十大最好的网赌平台 are client-driven and family-focused. We strive to provide an array of accessible, 灵活的, and culturally competent services to meet the ever-changing needs of the family.

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We specialize in helping students who have learning difficulties and developmental delays, coupled with histories of emotional and/or physical trauma. We strive to increase each student’s relational skills and self-confidence.


Student are closely monitored and supported by highly trained, qualified staff members twenty-four hours a day. 我们的…



Do you have a question about JRI services?

Rachel has been a part of the JRI team since January, 2000. 20多年来, Rachel has been working in the field of human services assisting 家庭 with accessing and navigating services. Rachel received her Bachelors degree in psychology and Masters Degree in Public Administration from Bridgewater State University. She was promoted in July 2005 to 家庭网络 Program Director where she closely worked with the Department of Children Families for 10 years ensuring that children and 家庭 received the highest quality of individualized services ranging from community based through residential care. Rachel is very dedicated to helping the individuals she works with and is committed to improving the lives of children and 家庭. Rachel’s passion for creative service programming inspires her in her role as JRI十大最好的网赌平台导航器.