

MetroWest在Natick的工程, 位于, 和Northborough engage you in community-based day supports and prepare you to find meaningful paid work. 我们的培训帮助你发展技能, and provides practice in positive work attitudes and jobs in a variety of community tasks and settings. Our centers are small and community-oriented, with multiple daily opportunities to practice work skills in real settings.

Focus: Our goal is to help you to develop employment-related skills, to master working in a variety of real-world work environments, and to help you get and keep a competitive job.
年龄:22 +
(508) 872-0669,分机. 2207

We have employment options for people with significant learning needs who want to develop marketable job-related skills, and find and maintain meaningful employment. We rely on local community businesses and resources to support people enrolled in one or more DDS-funded services, 比如竞争性就业, Group-Employment and 社区日间十大最好的网赌平台. We enable people traditionally locked out of the competitive job market to discover their strengths, 完善他们的技能, 并保持他们热爱的工作. We provide 运输 to our four locations in Natick, 威斯特布路, 和Northboro, as well individual travel-training and 运输 to competitive jobs as needed.

三十多年来, our 就业支持 have grown from a small summer jobs program to four centers of diverse employment services. We've operated a number of social enterprises as well: the Hot Diggity Dog food truck, 礼品篮生意, The Lunch Express cafe and catering business, 及全方位艺术.




竞争激烈的就业 helps you identify marketable job skills, 找一份有竞争力的工作, 工作过渡, 管理好你的工作时间表, 运输. 工作职责. 我们支持各行各业的人, including one individual who was named "年度最佳员工" at the large national corporation where he has worked for over 10 years.


Our group-employment program enables you to practice teamwork, 这是当今经济环境下必不可少的工作技能. Work at local businesses provides an opportunity to meet job expectations, 与同事和主管互动, and perform essential job functions with the support of a job coach.


社区日间十大最好的网赌平台 engages you in activities that support work-related skills, 包括沟通, 社交和人际交往能力, 和维护自己的权利. Small groups staffed by Employment Specialists plan and participate in meaningful volunteer work, 功能性技能培养活动, and a variety of interest-driven recreational, fitness and social-skill-building activities.

One of the many people we support was chosen "年度最佳员工" at the large national corporation where he has worked for over 10 years. He was not singled out for having a disability; he was recognized as superior among all employees.


For assistance determining which programs or services will meet your individualized need, 请填写下面的表格. Our Service Navigator will reach out to you about your inquiry via phone, text, or email. If you have a question regarding a particular program, please contact the Program Director listed in the “Let’s Connect” box above. 

Please note that this form is not HIPAA compliant.  We urge you not to include protected health information.

What is your preferred method of communication?




Rachel has been a part of the JRI team since January, 2000. 20多年来, Rachel has been working in the field of human services assisting families with accessing and navigating services. Rachel received her Bachelors degree in psychology and Masters Degree in Public Administration from Bridgewater State University. She was promoted in July 2005 to 家庭网络 Program Director where she closely worked with the Department of Children Families for 10 years ensuring that children and families received the highest quality of individualized services ranging from community based through residential care. Rachel is very dedicated to helping the individuals she works with and is committed to improving the lives of children and families. Rachel’s passion for creative service programming inspires her in her role as JRI十大最好的网赌平台导航器.