JRI传播研究所, Evaluation and Advancement of 创伤 Informed Care (IDEA)

The JRI传播研究所, 创伤知情护理评估与进步(IDEA)是由创伤应激专家组成的合作小组,其任务是广泛传播, 评估, and advance trauma informed practices for children, youth and families with histories exposure to trauma and adversity. Through regional and national dissemination activities, research and program evaluation work, and scholarly products and collaborations, IDEA strives to raise the standard of care for trauma-impacted children, youth and families across the nation. 

Dissemination work focuses on raising the standard of care for children, youth and families who have experienced childhood trauma and adversity, increasing access to effective treatment approaches for traumatic stress, and promoting the development of a trauma-informed mental health workforce through training, 技术援助(TA), and direct service activities both regionally and nationally. This work occurs through multiple initiatives within SAMHSA’s National Child 创伤tic Stress Network (NCTSN),包括 Metropolitan Boston Complex 创伤 Treatment Network,和 Building Resiliency through 住宅 Communities (BRTRC) initiative.

Evaluation work encompasses both research and program evaluation, with the broad goal of examining what treatments work best for who, 他们在哪里工作得最好.e. environments and settings), and how to support effectiveness (i.e. 实现条件). Current research and program evaluation initiatives focus on several key areas of inquiry; (1) examination of the effectiveness of trauma informed training and implementation initiatives within mental health services systems, (2)治疗结果研究,重点是基于证据的实践(ebp)在社区创伤治疗中的实际应用.e. 有效性研究), (3)在经历各种类型创伤经历的不同人群中,检查影响心理健康状况发展或抵抗的风险和保护因素. 这些举措利用了通过NCTSN赠款活动收集的定量和定性数据, clinical quality improvement data that is collected through the JRI CATS系统, and data collected through JRI’s randomized control trial examining the effectiveness of the Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) framework 在社区环境中. 多种理论框架被用来指导这项工作,包括发展精神病理学, 社会正义, 以及弹性理论. 

创伤知情护理的进步包括学术工作和合作,目标是提高JRI支持的创伤知情护理进展的专业和公众意识, as well as informing broader policy and practice that impacts children, youth and families who have experienced trauma and adversity. 查看我们的 刊物请按此




NCTSN Category III Direct Service and 培训 grant   

Metropolitan Boston Complex 创伤 Treatment Initiative (MB-CTTI)  

Project Period: 2018-2023, Total Funding JRI Prime Award: $2,000,000 

JRI项目人员:H. Hodgdon E. 料斗,K. Kinniburgh G. 科隆,K. 麦卡锡,J. Roman-Martin,年代. Mazur 

波士顿大都会复杂创伤治疗倡议(MB-CTTI)是一项区域性倡议,重点是减少健康差距,并向波士顿大都会地区暴露于复杂创伤的儿童和青少年传播创伤知情的ebp. MB-CTTI由一组提供直接临床十大最好的网赌平台的流动临床专家组成, 咨询, and training to partner programs within and outside of JRI, serving children and youth across the care continuum, with a particular focus on LGBTQ youth, 国家监护的青少年, 有色人种的城市青年, commercially sexually exploited youth, 军人家属. 这个项目的目标是: 

(1) Reduce health disparities and increase access to EBPs among the five high-risk, vulnerable subpopulations of traumatized youth throughout the Metro Boston region.  


到目前为止, mbctti项目已经在JRI培训了300多名专业人员,包括创伤聚焦CBT在内的各种创伤知情实践和方法, 亲子互动疗法, and the NCTSN Resource Parent Curriculum. 我们通过向整个机构的120多名客户传播创伤ebp,提供直接十大最好的网赌平台和/或加强持续十大最好的网赌平台. Current and past partnerships include residential programs, 组织家庭, and community based service programs where we have provided direct service to clients, 家长谘询及支援, 团体治疗, and clinical and system level 咨询 and training. 


附件评估, Regulation and Competency (ARC) Framework for the Treatment of Complex 创伤 in Children  

项目期限:2016年9月1日- 2021年3月30日 

JRI项目人员:H. Hodgdon K. 麦卡锡,E. 索恩韦尔 

The goals of this project are to conduct a randomized control trial in order to; 1) establish an empirical evidence base for the effectiveness of an innovative intervention approach for the treatment of complex trauma in children, 2) examine the impact of ARC on several proposed change agents or mechanisms, in addition to reductions in clinical symptoms, 3)通过向在社区门诊诊所寻求心理健康十大最好的网赌平台的儿童提供额外的培训和咨询,为复杂创伤的ebp提供持续的可持续性十大最好的网赌平台


ARC RCT COVID19 Pandemic Impact Ancillary Study 

项目期限:2020年4月1日- 2021年3月30日 

2019冠状病毒病大流行是前所未有的社会压力源,正在影响我们社区的每个人. 我们也听到了相关报道, both through the media and from our programs and clients directly, 这场危机对来自特定社会经济阶层和种族和族裔群体的个人产生了不同的影响. 理解这一点很重要, both for short and long term planning for how to mobilize and utilize services, who is being impacted the most and in what ways. 通过这项辅助研究,我们使用了一个在线调查工具和几个简短的心理测量工具, 以更好地了解covid - 19危机如何影响参加ARC RCT的儿童和青年的照顾者, as well as clinical staff at our participating community based mental health clinics. 研究的主要目的是探讨COVID-19危机如何影响寻求心理健康治疗的家庭和提供心理健康治疗的人. We will examine: (1) The degree to which each family is being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including impact on daily family life, 财务影响, 食品安全, 身体健康, and access to mental health services; (2) For caregivers - the association between the degree of impact of the COVID-19 crisis and caregiver perceived parenting stress, as well as caregiver distress and mental health; (3) The association between the degree of impact of the COVID-19 crisis and child distress; and (4) The interaction between prior risk factors and mental health indicators (e.g., 累积创伤史, 儿童PTSD症状的严重程度, 照顾者养育压力, 以及COVID-19危机对儿童和照顾者压力和痛苦的影响. 心理健康临床医生, we are examining the degree of impact of the COVID19 pandemic on each individual, as well as changes in mental health practices and impact on provision of services (i.e. issues related to the transition to telehealth). 



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Rachel has been a part of the JRI team since January, 2000. 20多年来, 雷切尔一直在人类十大最好的网赌平台领域工作,帮助家庭访问和导航十大最好的网赌平台. 毕业于布里奇沃特州立大学,获得心理学学士学位和公共管理硕士学位. 她于2005年7月被提升为家庭网络项目总监,在那里她与儿童家庭部门密切合作了10年,确保儿童和家庭获得最高质量的个性化十大最好的网赌平台,从社区到寄宿护理. 瑞秋非常致力于帮助与她一起工作的人,并致力于改善儿童和家庭的生活. Rachel对创造性十大最好的网赌平台编程的热情激发了她作为JRI十大最好的网赌平台导航员的角色.