
JRI网站隐私政策JRI制定本隐私政策,以解释我们收集特定信息的原因以及我们将如何在我们的网站上保护您的个人隐私. 以下披露了我们对位于URL的网站的信息收集和发布做法 www.cctgay.com

In order to fully understand your rights, we encourage you to read this Privacy Policy as well as our Terms of Use. JRI保留权利,在任何时候,无需另行通知,只需在我们的网站上发布此类更改即可更改本隐私政策. Any such chance will be effective immediately upon posting.

  1. What personally identifiable information of yours is collected through the site; who collects such information; and how personal information is used
  2. Will you share my name with other organizations?
  3. Updating your information; and options to unsubscribe
  4. 互联网协议地址
  5. “cookies”的使用
  6. What kind of security procedures are in place to protect the loss, 滥用, or alteration of information under our control
  7. 本网站的连结
  8. 然后,联系网站管理员.

Questions regarding this statement should be directed to JRI by sending an e-mail to marketing@cctgay.com. Please reference this Privacy Policy in your subject line.

  1. What Information We Collect and How We Use That Information
    Our registration forms require users to give us contact information that may include name, 电子邮件地址, 格式偏好(HTML vs . HTML. Text), address, interests, and/or other similar information.
    • 当你在网上捐款时:联邦税法要求我们收集和报告一些信息(比如你的名字), address, and the amount of your contribution; your credit card number may be collected for donations but is not stored or shared). 您可以随时通过联系从我们的邮件列表中删除您的姓名和个人信息 marketing@cctgay.com. 除非您另有说明,捐赠人的邮寄信息可能会与其他组织共享.
    • 如果您注册了我们的邮件列表:如果您注册了接收信息,我们将收集您的姓名和邮寄地址. Both mailings will be sent to you in a plain brown envelope with our P.O. 方框作为回信地址. You may remove your name and mailing address from mailing lists at any time by contacting marketing@cctgay.com.
  2. Will You Share My Name With Other Organizations?
    We derive a portion of our funding from our donor family. 寻找新成员的一个重要方法是与其他志同道合的组织交换邮件列表. 我们永远不会出售或交换邮件列表与公司或组织寻求向您出售的东西. Exchanging lists with other organizations keeps our costs down, and lets us spend a larger portion of our budget on our programs rather than mailing costs.

    如果您不希望我们与其他非营利组织交换您的名字,并且您反对这些使用, simply let us know and we will remove your personal information from any of our list shares. This pertains to all of our databases lists. 您可以通过发送电子邮件请求取消订阅我们的电子邮件列表,并在主题行中注明“取消订阅” marketing@cctgay.com.

  3. Updating Your Information and Options to Unsubscribe
    如果您需要更正您提供给JRI的信息,或者如果您想取消订阅任何邮件列表,请发送电子邮件至 marketing@cctgay.com. You may unsubscribe to individual programs or mailing lists, or you may unsubscribe to all programs and mailing lists at JRI at any time.
  4. 互联网协议地址
    We collect an Internet Protocol (IP) address from all visitors to our site. IP地址是在您使用互联网时自动分配给您的计算机的号码. We use IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our server, 管理我们的网站, 分析趋势, 跟踪用户的动作, gather broad demographic information in order to improve the site, 并提供定制的, 个性化内容. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.
  5. “Cookies”的使用
    Our site may use cookies to enhance your experience while using our site. cookie是传输到正在浏览网站的计算机上的信息片段,在许多网站上用于记录保存目的. 使用cookie可以通过执行某些功能(如保存密码)使上网更容易, saving personal preferences regarding the use of a particular website, and/or to make sure the same ad is not repeatedly viewed. Many consider the use of cookies to be an industry standard.
    Your browser is probably set to accept cookies. 然而, if you would prefer not to receive cookies, 您可以更改浏览器的配置,以便它在接受cookie之前请求您的确认, 或者完全拒绝饼干. If you choose to have your browser refuse cookies, it is possible that some areas of our site will not function properly when you view them.
  6. 安全
    All information provided to JRI is transmitted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption. SSL是一种经过验证的编码系统,可以让您的浏览器在您发送给我们之前自动加密或打乱数据. 我们还通过将帐户信息放置在只有适当的JRI员工才能访问的安全位置来保护帐户信息. Unfortunately, however, no data transmission over the internet is 100% secure. We strive to protect your information; however, we cannot completely ensure the security of such information.
    The confidentiality of information sent over the Internet cannot be guaranteed. 你的电子邮件, like most non-encrypted Internet communications, may be accessed and viewed without your knowledge or permission while in transit to us. 因此, while we take responsible precautions to safeguard the confidentiality of your email, we cannot guarantee the security of any email correspondence sent to us. 如果您认为您正在沟通的信息是保密的,请不要使用电子邮件.
  7. 本网站的连结
    Our site contains links to other websites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are entering another website for which JRI has no responsibility. 我们鼓励您阅读所有此类网站上的隐私声明,因为它们的政策可能与我们的不同.
  8. 联系网站
    If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, 本网站的实践, 或者你和这个网站的交易, 你可以联系 marketing@cctgay.com


Hypertext links to Internet sites outside of JRI are provided, 真诚地, 方便用户使用. 这些外部信息源不受JRI的控制,互联网用户有责任自行决定其准确性, reliability and correctness of information found.

在提供到外部网站的链接时,JRI不对这些网站的内容负责. JRI不作任何保证, 无论是明示或暗示的陈述或承诺,亦不对其准确性承担任何法律责任, 通过超文本链接到外部网站的信息的完整性或实用性. No endorsement of those sites and/or their contents is implied.



JRI致力于诚信,这延伸到我们处理所十大最好的网赌平台人员的个人健康信息的方式. HIPAA是一部联邦法律,它赋予您一些权利,让您知道我们使用和告诉他人您的机密信息的方式, 包括你的健康信息. Our Privacy Notice and Summary of Privacy Notice explains your rights and how we protect, use and disclose your Personal 健康 Information as it relates HIPAA.





Do you have a question about JRI services?

Rachel has been a part of the JRI team since January, 2000. 20多年来, 雷切尔一直在人类十大最好的网赌平台领域工作,帮助家庭访问和导航十大最好的网赌平台. 毕业于布里奇沃特州立大学,获得心理学学士学位和公共管理硕士学位. 她于2005年7月被提升为家庭网络项目总监,在那里她与儿童家庭部门密切合作了10年,确保儿童和家庭获得最高质量的个性化十大最好的网赌平台,从社区到寄宿护理. 瑞秋非常致力于帮助与她一起工作的人,并致力于改善儿童和家庭的生活. Rachel对创造性十大最好的网赌平台编程的热情激发了她作为JRI十大最好的网赌平台导航员的角色.